

There is no doubt we live in a day when the internet has taken over much of our attention, whether we are looking for news, and resources, interacting with others, shopping and so much more. All this is available on our phones, tablets, and PCs. We also see too many “internet gatekeepers”, such as search engines and social networks, tilting their searches and algorithms against those with biblical convictions and content.  As Christians, we are seeing ourselves being shoved into the corner of this digital “Public Square”. 

In 2003 in the Chambers of the U. S. Senate, I offered the opening prayer asking God that each of us would discover our gifts and embrace our callings for our nation’s common benefit and to God’s Glory.  Now in 2022, I know our gifts and callings from God are even more desperately needed in our nation’s wider culture and the public square.  

Chuck Colson said it well, “Christians need to get out of the pews and into the public square, showing the world a better way.”  We have a calling from God to provide “Good News” and to reach out to Metro Detroit’s over 4 Million “Neighbors”.  

LookUpDetroit.com is an online platform developed to tell our stories helping us fulfill that calling.  There are several reasons believers are in a unique position to host and curate an “Online Public Square” from each of Metro Detroit’s 131 towns and cities. Let’s “show the world a better way” by posting and passing on helpful neighborhood news. 

