10 things to do in person or online this fall in Detroit

While several seasonal events have been canceled this year because of the pandemic (see you next year Theatre Bizarre, we hope), there’s still plenty to do, either in person or virtually. Here are 10 ideas for making fall count.

1. Get crafty

There are a few different craft fairs this fall, one of which being the Detroit Urban Craft Fair from Oct. 1 through Dec. 6. This fair will be live on Instagram, and each vendor will get a day to take over the fair’s social media pages to display their work and interact with customers. The Piquette Fall Art Fair is another opportunity to meet with art vendors — in person — at the Ford Piquette Plant from 4-8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7.

2. Tour and shop at Eastern Market

This Eastern Market tour will show off the different vendors and farmers in the sheds as well as different stores, restaurants, and a jazz club or letterpress shop. The guided tour will be from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Oct. 17., and attendees will get samples of the different vendors’ products and food throughout the tour. Looking for a unique Michigan-made gift? Shop the Sunday Market and the holiday markets later this fall.

3. Listen in on Candid Conversation

The Urban Consulate, a cross-city network for exchange, and Co.act Detroit, a hub for nonprofit collaborative action, are teaming up to present a series of virtual public dialogues on how to practice racial equity in organizations and communities. Hosted by Orlando P. Bailey of Urban Consulate and engagement director for BridgeDetroit, the monthly series is free and open to the public. Join the conversation by tuning into Urban Consulate’s Facebook page where the dialogue will be livestreamed. The series kicks off Wednesday, Sept. 23 with FoodLab Detroit’s Devita Davison and The Runway Project Founder Jessica Norwood.

4. Soak up every last bit of warm weather on a patio

Restaurants and cafes have been finding ways to use their outdoor space by offering patio seating. Restaurants along the Avenue of Fashion, Ima in Corktown, and Detroit 75 Kitchen in Southwest Detroit have all been utilizing their outdoor area for seating and service.

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Source: 10 things to do in person or online this fall in Detroit

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