Tour Michigan’s National Historic Landmark, Pewabic Pottery

Join the Friends of Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve for a 2 hour nautical tour of the Detroit River and a tour of Michigan’s National Historic Landmark, Pewabic Pottery.

This fun summer experience takes place Thursday, July 15, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. starting from the parking lot at Dinosaur Hill where we will arrange car pools. A box lunch is included. The fee is $50. A check may be made out to Friends of D.H.N.P. and mailed to:

Friends of D.N.H.P.

333 North Hill Circle

Rochester, MI 48307

Please include: Name, Address Phone number and E-mail address

We arrive at Pewabic Pottery at 10:00 am. The tour lasts an hour. Pewabic Pottery was founded in 1903 by Mary Chase Perry Stratton who developed an iridescent glaze for her pottery that is identical with that on fragments of pottery excavated in Persia, which made Mrs. Stratton immediately famous in the world of ceramic art. Pewabic Pottery is now found in the Detroit Institute of Arts, Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., the Louvre in Paris and in hundreds of local buildings. The “Behind the Scenes” tour includes watching working artists and a visit to the museum and store. Pewabic Pottery is at 10125 E. Jefferson, 4 miles north of downtown Detroit. It is housed in a charming 1908 Tudor Revival building, a National Historic Landmark.

The cruise embarks at 1:00 on the Diamond Jack, (a 65’ sightseeing vessel) at the Rivard Plaza Dock, just upstream from the Renaissance Center. The tour presents highlights of the Detroit and Windsor skylines along with historical anecdotes about both cities.

This event will benefit Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve. For more information: call Jane Hoyle at 248-651-3417, or e-mail:

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