18 Trusty Detroit Coffee Shops and Restaurants With Free Wi-Fi

There are a lot of advantages to working remotely. Pants are a suggestion rather than a requirement, there’s no need to pack a lunch, and the internet connections are reliable. But for all the benefits, there’s also plenty of drawbacks. Taking into the account the noisy roommates, the pets demanding undivided attention, the latest Netflix show that’s just a click away, distractions await around every turn.

Taking into the account the noisy roommates, the pets demanding undivided attention, the latest Netflix show that’s just a click away, distractions await around every turn.

In these moments when it’s time to buckle down, emerge from the cave (AKA the apartment), and get work done, remote workers must gather their laptops and headphones and set out for the closest and fastest Wi-Fi connection. Most of the time that means a coffee shop but occasionally the day calls for a beer at a local bar. It’s always a plus if there’s food to balance out the caffeine.

Below find a guide to tried and true internet cafes and restaurants across the city. Just remember to order generously and read the room when it’s time to move on (don’t be a table hog). Living in the age of free internet just got easier.

See source for list

Source: 18 Trusty Detroit Coffee Shops and Restaurants With Free Wi-Fi

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