After 13 years as a portable church, His Church Anglican has finally found an earthly home.

The Livonia, MI parish first met in the ballroom at a Holiday Inn, then moved to a gym at the Livonia Y – where the ventilation system sometimes kicked on mid-song and drowned out the music – and met for the last decade at Madonna University’s Kresge Auditorium.  The lecture and performance space at Madonna was transformed into a sanctuary each Sunday by a handful of dedicated staff and volunteers. Having set up sound equipment, an altar, a coffee hour station, and children’s spaces from scratch, they then had to disassemble everything at the end of the service.

No more.  Leaving a gracious legacy, Trinity Church of Livonia gifted His Church Anglican (HCA) their building at 34500 Six Mile Rd. following the difficult decision to close their own congregation.  HCA took possession of the building on January 1st, 2019, and held its first service there on January 6th. A Grand Opening service has been planned for March 3rd, 2019, giving the once-portable parish a chance to settle into the new location and explore the new opportunities that having a permanent space will bring.

Although HCA may be on the move in more ways than one, what will not change, said head pastor Fr Allen Kannapell, is its mission to serve Livonia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  “If we are to do well there,” Fr Allen explained, “we will be constantly asking the Lord, ‘How can we use this space to fulfill Your mission of saving, healing, and reconciling people with You?'”  What a way to ensure that the work HCA does in this temporary world will have effects reaching into its permanent home in eternity.

You can visit His Church Anglican at 34500 Six Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48152 (between Farmington and Newburgh, next to Stevenson High School), Sunday services at 7:45am and 10:30am.

His Church Website Click Here

Picture Above:

His Church Gathers at their first service in their new Livonia Home on Jan 6th.


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