Architecture company aims to revive ‘grandest areas’ of Michigan Central Station

Ford Motor Company has hired an architectural contractor aimed to restore Michigan Central Station.

EverGreen Architectural Arts aims to revive the “grandest areas of the train depot,” including the main waiting area, arcade, ticket lobby and restaurant.

The company will replicate and restore approximately 56,000 square feet of decorative plasterwork. EverGreene will preserve and clean what original plaster material can be saved and re-create new portions where needed.

The 18-month project will use three plaster techniques – traditional three-coat plaster, ornamental plaster and veneer plaster – and will require replicating more than 3,000 cast plaster pieces, including the coffers, medallions and rosettes that adorn the waiting room’s walls and ceilings.

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Source: Architecture company aims to revive ‘grandest areas’ of Michigan Central Station

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