Aspiring Metro Detroit podcasters find their voice through studios and DIY options

On the third day of the second annual Detroit Podcast Festival held in June, Jonathan Galloway closed out the Black As Podcast event at MusicTown with a live show of his podcast NWP.

Afterward, he brought out all of his podcasters on Audio Wave Network, which he founded, as well as the festival organizers to thank them. Standing next to his fellow podcasters and seeing the reaction of the crowd, tears filled his eyes, he recalls.

As he looked around him, he remembers thinking “we really did something tonight. This is the main day of the whole festival and we’re closing it out right now.” To the audience, he said, “if you have podcasts and ambitions let’s make it happen.”

Storyteller Shannon Cason, a Moth GrandSlam champion who has two podcasts, including one on Chicago’s WBEZ NPR station, was at the Black As Podcast event. As someone who has been a part of the public radio community for years, he says it was something he had never seen before (“this was not your Ira Glass-type of crowd,” he says with a laugh). He was impressed by the youthful energy in the room and the fun vibe of young Detroiters coming together to celebrate local podcasting.

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Source: Aspiring Metro Detroit podcasters find their voice through studios and DIY options

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