Dan Gilbert’s Hudson Tower expected to be even taller

Dan Gilbert’s Hudson Tower is growing, even though right now it’s just a hole in the ground. The real estate mogul’s proposed downtown skyscraper is expected to be 100 feet taller than initially planned, bringing its total height to more than 900 feet, but maximized at 912. The final height is still up in the air, but Joe Guziewicz, vice president of construction for Gilbert’s real estate arm Bedrock LLC, confirmed that the tower will indeed surpass its previously estimated stance.

The maximum height is set at 912 feet because the height of the elevator cores, which are already designed, is all the building can support, Guziewicz said.The decision to increase the height of the building, according to Bedrock, is to “maximize the amount of program” — meaning increasing the amount of offerings, whether that be more luxury condos or a hotel component.

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