“Detroit in Context: Assets, History and Challenges” 

Living in Detroit can be complicated. It has tons of amazing assets but, also, faces many challenges. One thing is for sure, Detroit is more than the headlines and stereotypes portray it to be. This virtual tour by the Detroit Experience Factory will help provide understanding as to how Detroit’s history shaped where it is today, connect with what’s happening now, and instill inspiration to take an active role in creating the city’s future.

Highlights include:
? World Class Museums ? Parks and Public Spaces
? Entertainment Venues ? Campus Martius
? Indigenous Past and Present ? The Growth of Detroit
? Entrepreneurial Atmosphere and Grassroots Projects ? Racism in Detroit

Preregistration is required via the OLLI website or phone. A link to access the lecture will be e-mailed prior to the event.

For article, click below:

Source: “Detroit in Context: Assets, History and Challenges” | Happening @ Michigan

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