Metro Detroit Rabbis Share Their Messages for Rosh Hashanah 

Despite Pandemic, Feeling Hope in the New Year

“Hope in the LORD. Be strong and of good courage. Hope in the LORD.” We recite these words from Psalm 27 daily during the Season of Repentance, and they carry especially great meaning today.

Despite the ongoing pandemic, I believe that we have reason to hope; justification for optimism; and grounds for proclaiming that we are “nearly free” from the COVID chains that bind us.

As recently as July, many of us felt certain that the worst of COVID was behind us. Then the variants struck. The vaccinated are wearing masks again. Our concern for our unvaccinated children grows, especially as the start of school approaches. The sick fill hospital beds. Delta is the primary conversation of every phone call and visit. Whereas a month ago, we seemingly saw the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, many of us are again struggling. 

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Source: Metro Detroit Rabbis Share Their Messages for Rosh Hashanah | The Detroit Jewish News

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