Metro Detroit teacher dresses up as a character for virtual class every day

Who says virtual learning isn’t exciting?

One metro Detroit teacher is bringing joy to her students during the pandemic by dressing up as a different character each day.

Margaret-Ann Wommer, a social studies teacher at Frankel Jewish Academy in West Bloomfield, has been dressing up for her students since the school shifted back to virtual lessons a few weeks ago.

“My thought process was building in some anticipation for my kids, to make it exciting in some way to come to class,” said Margaret-Ann.

From Princess Leia to Wednesday Addams, Margaret-Ann said she goes searching around her house for items to make her characters come to life; she notes that the creative virtual backgrounds help.

“I get compliments and laughter; the majority seem to be enjoying the experience thus far,” she said of her students.

She added, “It’s very much for the kids, but it’s keeping me going as well.”

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Source: Metro Detroit teacher dresses up as a character for virtual class every day

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