Owl Prowls: Connecting Metro Detroiters with the incredible nighttime birdlife around them 

Have you ever prowled for owls? Until recently, I had limited my primary interaction with these majestic creatures to a wonderfully weird board game called Wingspan. Here, players compete to attract birds to their wildlife reserves, and playing a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianu) in my forest habitat costs three rodents. When activated, this 8-pointer has the hunting power to take down birds with a wingspan of 100 cm or less (Successful hunt? Tuck a card to gain a point!)

(Yes, people worldwide spend Friday nights with their mates “birding” tableside in friendly competition. At the end of a hard week, a round of local beers alongside beautifully illustrated cards and cerebral gameplay can be a real hoot.)

For article, click below:

Source: Owl Prowls: Connecting Metro Detroiters with the incredible nighttime birdlife around them – Planet Detroit

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