Passport Day in Detroit will have special weekend hours on Sept. 21

The Detroit Passport Agency is celebrating Passport Month by offering a special day later this month for people who want to get a passport.

They are reminding people who want or need a passport that they can reduce travel stress and save money if they apply early.

On Saturday, Sept. 21, the Detroit Passport Agency at 211 W. Fort St. will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help people out, and people can get their passport faster if they apply in the fall or winter.

Those who apply can choose routine service (6-8 weeks) or expedited service (2-3 weeks), but the expedited service costs an extra $60 per application. Those who stop in will be seen on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Before applying, you’re asked to go to Travel.State.Gov/Passports to see a list of requirements, and to see more information on fees.

For more, click below:

Source: Passport Day in Detroit will have special weekend hours on Sept. 21

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