The search for the cutest pet in Metro Detroit is on!


We all know that our four-legged friends are the cutest, but does the rest of Metro Detroit know that?

Our friends at the Michigan Humane Society (MHS) want to get that word out. They are searching for the cutest pet in our area to include in their 2021 calendar.

Devan Bianco from the Michigan Humane Society spoke to Jason Carr about the MHS 2020 GoGo Pet Photo contest. From now until July 26th, MHS is taking submissions for the contest. Each submission will then be put to a vote on the MHS website. It costs $25 to enter your pet, then people will be encouraged to vote witih donations. Each dollar donated equals one vote.

For article, click below:

Source: The search for the cutest pet in Metro Detroit is on!

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